
Why You Should Listen to Me


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Descrizione prodotto

This book is an autobiography describing a personal insight leading to the author’s decision of becoming a writer. It shows an uncommon path of meaningful experiences and dramatic choices, as well as a peculiar way of observing problems.

In order to allow a better perspective of the author’s vision, the content is presented as an honest documentary of his own life. And, although this book was nearly taken out of the market due to some bad reviews, the second edition became an obvious necessity, as most of the greatest reviews were coming from psychologists and social workers, claiming that this books reveals plenty of truths about the human nature that took them decades to realize by themselves.

Titolo: Why You Should Listen to Me
Autore: Daniel Marques;
Editore: Daniel Marques
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786050410532


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