
The fourth millennium – Cargo of clones


Descrizione prodotto

Cargo of clones is the first novel of a space-age science fiction trilogy, The fourth millennium, which blends interplanetary adventure and advanced technologies with the search for the spiritual enlightenment necessary to fight and win the most intense battles.
Tuiaviiā€™s destiny had assigned him much greater tasks than the ones he has completed so far, tasks that he could never have imagined.
How could any man think that the destiny of the entire Solar System could depend on his own decisions and actions?
And yet only he – with the help of the important friends he meets during his cosmic journeys to the various planets, and guided by the omniscient light that the Patriarch entrusts him with – will have to ward off the cruellest threat that the entire planetary system has ever faced.

Titolo: The fourth millennium – Cargo of clones
Autore: Piero Boi;
Editore: Laura Capone Editore
Formato EPUB
ISBN: 9788897226130


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