
The Essays of Montaigne: Book the Third


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Descrizione prodotto

No man is free from speaking foolish things; but the worst on’t is, when a man labours to play the fool:
‘Nae iste magno conatu magnas nugas dixerit.’

['Truly he, with a great effort will shortly say a mighty trifle.'—-Terence, Heaut., act iii., s. 4.]This does not concern me; mine slip from me with as little care as they are of little value, and ’tis the better for them. I would presently part with them for what they are worth, and neither buy nor sell them, but as they weigh. I speak on paper, as I do to the first person I meet; and that this is true, observe what follows.

Titolo: The Essays of Montaigne: Book the Third
Autore: Michel De Montaigne;
Editore: Michel De Montaigne
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786050366402


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