
The Chimes


SKU: 9786051763378#70938#EPUB. Categoria: , , , , , , .

Descrizione prodotto

The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In, a short novel by Charles Dickens, was written and published in 1844, one year after A Christmas Carol and one year before The Cricket on the Hearth. It is the second in his series of ‘Christmas books’: five short books with strong social and moral messages that he published during the 1840s (font: Wikipedia)

Titolo: The Chimes
Autore: Charles Dickens;Charles Dickens;Charles Dickens;Charles Dickens;Charles Dickens;Charles Dickens;
Editore: Charles Dickens
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786051763378


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