
Pregnancy and Childbirth


SKU: 9780702047848#67127#EPUB. Categoria: , , , , , , .

Descrizione prodotto

Pregnancy and childbirth brings together, for the first time, western and eastern approaches providing a sound amalgamation of theoretical and practical information for bodywork practitioners world-wide. It describes in detail the application of massage and shiatsu from early pregnancy, including work during labour and for the first year postnatally for the mother.

This is a useful source of information for massage therapists, shiatsu practitioners, osteopaths, physical therapists, chiropractors, reflexologists, aromatherapists, acupuncturists, yoga and Pilates instructors.

Titolo: Pregnancy and Childbirth
Autore: Suzanne Yates;
Editore: Churchill Livingstone
Formato EPUB con Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9780702047848


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