
Pochetito Lost in the Fierce Woods (Illustrated) (The Adventures of Pochetito)


Descrizione prodotto

Using funny pictures, ‘Pochetito Lost in the Fierce Wood’ tells the adventurous stories of little prince Pochetito and its enchanted kingdom. This Illustrated ebook is perfect for children’s growth: the adventurous stories of the little prince will thrill your children and will help them to learn while having fun, moral teachings and new lexical items.

Less than 1 $ for a compelling story for children aged 3 to 8 years.

Titolo: Pochetito Lost in the Fierce Woods (Illustrated) (The Adventures of Pochetito)
Autore: Elisabetta Fantini;
Editore: Elisabetta Fantini
Formato PDF con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9788867558285


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