
Moon Song


Descrizione prodotto

Matthew O’Weary, Irish, sixteen years old, arrives in a small town in Georgia, along with his mother and sister, reuniting with the American branch of his family. Matt starts school, finds an old friend – Bree –, plays baseball and feels American.
But something strange is pending. Why, in Peacock Side – a few thousand inhabitants – are there wolves? What is the secret haunting Jonathan Renter, a Geology teacher? What’s true in the legends about the old house in Virginia Lane?
Matthew and Bree begin to dig deeper into the matter, as a series of increasingly strange events slowly begins to upset the whole town.
Among secrets, amazing revelations, terrifying apparitions and shocking facts, the shapeless figure of an obscure truth slowly approaches and takes the bleak, chilling features of supernatural.
As the moon relentlessly marks the passing of days, the three embark on a race against time to stop the machine of Evil that has been irretrievably set in motion. And in a stunning turn of events, the past of memory and the more ancestral one of collective unconscious merge into a dark, insecure present, where the steps of a demonic, elusive creature are getting closer.

Titolo: Moon Song
Autore: Roberto Berenzin;
Editore: Bibliotheka Edizioni
Formato EPUB
ISBN: 9788869340284


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