
Clinical Surgery


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Descrizione prodotto

The previous edition won first Prize (Surgery category) at the BMA Awards 2005. The judges’ comment:

‘A comprehensive and attractively presented 4-colour textbook of surgery aimed primarily at medical students but also of use to junior doctors and surgical technicians. The book has two key features: firstly, it provides students with coverage of every aspect of surgery; secondly, it has been designed and written to be the ‘surgical companion’ to Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine. This new edition will also offer an online version to all purchasers of the book – the first surgical textbook in the UK to make an electronic version available.’

Titolo: Clinical Surgery
Autore: Michael M. Henry;Jeremy N. Thompson;
Editore: Saunders Ltd.
Formato EPUB con Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9780702051210


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