
Borrowed brains


SKU: 9781909078031#10134#EPUB. Categoria: , , , , , , .

Descrizione prodotto

A group of scientists managed to build the first working model of organic mental teleportation, the HASAMAT (Hyper-Spatial Mind Transporter), the racing car of the roads of the Universe. Volunteers are needed to test the invention. Until that time there had been gimcrack prototypes which only worked with the synthetic minds of Inanimates. UÌGO decides to lend his brain for the testing of the HASAMAT and when offered an interstellar transfer as the world’s first intergalactic reporter-explorer , he agrees. UÌGO’s mind travels faster than light to take up residence in the minds of a far distant planet but the unexpected results of the experiment mean UIGO will continue to borrow and lend brains from now to infinity.

Titolo: Borrowed brains
Autore: Maria Pellegrini;
Editore: Maria Pellegrini
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9781909078031


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