
Black Tea and other tales


SKU: 9788890814525#18099#EPUB. Categoria: , , , , , , .

Descrizione prodotto

Includes three stories: Black Tea, Crocodiles and The Janara. The first two stories were previously published in hard copy (in Italian) in the collection Malarazza (Epix Mondadori, 2009), while the last one, The Janara, was published by the author in 2011 in ebook. This new edition offers a fully revised English version of the stories, edited by the Bram Stoker Awards winner Benjamin Kane Ethridge. The collection also contains an introduction by another Bram Stoker Awards winner, Gene O’Neill, entitled: A box of lovely dark chocolate. Samuel Marolla’s stories, are different as for atmosphere, setting and use of the supernatural, and they offer a complete overview of the author’s writing. The three stories are linked by a thin common thread, which after passing through the palate, runs through all the senses. The Black Tea horror has the flavour of a mysterious tea, of a haunted wine and of an alchemical cocktail of milk and blood. Something undou-btedly unique, original and terrible.

Titolo: Black Tea and other tales
Autore: Samuel Marolla;
Editore: Mezzotints Ebook
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9788890814525


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