
The History of Salt


SKU: 9786050327472#49114#EPUB. Categoria: , , , , , , , , .

Descrizione prodotto

HOW frequently it happens that those natural productions with which we are to a certain extent superficially familiar, are to a great many not only uninteresting, but are regarded as subjects more or less beneath their notice; and by others as deleterious to the human race, and therefore to be cautiously used or scrupulously avoided. Another peculiarity is, that the more we are accustomed to them, the more our interest wanes, and probably at last degenerates into apathetic indifference.

Titolo: The History of Salt
Autore: Evan Martlett Boddy;
Editore: Evan Martlett Boddy
Formato EPUB con Digital watermarking
ISBN: 9786050327472


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