
Sleep and Anesthesia, An Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics,


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Descrizione prodotto

This issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, Guest Edited by Frances Chung, MBBS FRCPC of the University of Toronto, will focus on Sleep and Neurorehabilitation. Article topics will include Sleep and Anesthesia; Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society; Upper airway, OSA and anesthesia ; Positions, sleep and anesthesia; Sleep Deprivation, OSA and inflammation; Preoperative Screening for OSA; and PAP therapy for perioperative patients.

Titolo: Sleep and Anesthesia, An Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics,
Autore: Frances Chung;
Editore: Elsevier
Formato EPUB con Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9781455773572


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