Descrizione prodotto
One of the best-selling medical textbooks of all time, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease is the one book that nearly all medical students purchase, and is also widely used by physicians worldwide. A ‘who’s who’ of pathology experts delivers the most dependable, current, and complete coverage of today’s essential pathology knowledge. At the same time, masterful editing and a practical organization make mastering every concept remarkably easy. The result remains the ideal source for an optimal understanding of pathology.
- Offers the most authoritative and comprehensive, yet readable coverage available in any pathology textbook, making it ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation as well as for course work.
- Delivers a state-of-the-art understanding of the pathologic basis of disease through completely updated coverage, including the latest cellular and molecular biology.
- Demonstrates every concept visually with over 1,600 full-color photomicrographs and conceptual diagrams – many revised for even better quality.
- Facilitates learning with an outstanding full-color, highly user-friendly design.
Titolo: Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
Autore: Vinay Kumar;Abul K. Abbas;Nelson Fausto;Jon C. Aster;
Editore: Saunders
Formato EPUB con Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9781437720150
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